Welcome to Samish Island!

“No Island Like Samish Island”

The Samish Island Community Center’s (SICC) mission is to encourage community development and interaction through educational and social activities among islanders. To that end, it also maintains the community center property as the primary place to gather.

We acknowledge that Samish Island is within the aboriginal territory of the Samish Indian Nation. They were and are respected for their spiritual, cultural, and traditional values and practices, such as weaving, carving, and building of longhouses. The Samish People lived here in stewardship of the lands and waterways of the Salish Sea since time immemorial.   https://www.samishtribe.nsn.us/

Upcoming Events—Quick Glance

These will be updated as time passes and new events and information are forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you!

9/22    SOCIAL: Potluck at SICC 5:00
10/27  SOCIAL: Halloween Party at SICC 6:00 – 7:30 pm
11/10  SOCIAL: Nancy K. Dillon songwriter & performer 3:00 – 5:00 pm
12/7     SOCIAL: Holiday Kick-off sponsored by the Edgewater Garden Club 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
1/12     SOCIAL: Annual General Meeting 3:00 – 5:00 pm
2/1      SOCIAL: Winter Light Photo Photo Celebration 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Halloween Party at SICC

Samish Island Halloween Party at the Community Center will be Sunday, October 27th, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. 

This is fun for the community and has crafts for the children, games, and a cakewalk!

If you’d like to volunteer, donate, bake, set up, or clean up, please contact tamaraingram08@gmail.com or 360-820-1859.

Don’t forget to wear your costume!

Nancy K. Dillon, American Songs & Stories

Nancy K. Dillon, an award-winning American songwriter/performer, possesses a warm, expressive voice unique in revealing both strength and vulnerability. With a finely focused musical ear, Dillon mines a vein of avant-garde Americana in her compelling tales of mythopoetic darkness and light melding past and future.

Dillon’s poetic talent elevates her writing beyond the usual fare of singer-songwriters. She initially found inspiration in dreams and in traveling across vast landscapes in the western US. Then, her family’s history in Ireland, Scotland, Europe, and Britain yielded new inspiration and newly minted stories.

Dillon grew up in Central Oklahoma in a musical family. Her composer/professor/jazz-saxophonist/church-choir director father, Bob Dillon, and her mother, Betty Lou, a former vocal teacher who sang hymns around the house, surrounded her with music. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma, a move to Seattle led to travel, adventure, and varied musical opportunities. 

This concert is free; seats are limited, and doors open at 2:15.