Edgewater Garden Club
Edgewater Garden Club:
The Edgewater Garden Club helps resident gardeners gain knowledge about gardening, aids in the protection of native trees, plants, and birds, and encourages civic planting on the island.
See the Samish ShoreLines for meeting times and dates, though the group generally meets in the fall, winter, and spring on the fourth Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. at the Samish Island Community Center. All Islanders are invited to be members.
Annual dues are $20 and include membership on the garden e-group, interesting meetings and speakers, food, and social time before meetings.
Send dues to the current treasurer. We will add you to the e-group mailing list in early September, before the first meeting of our year.
Each meeting of the club involves a knowledgeable speaker or expert who works with various plants, trees, or other environmental-related topics. All Islanders are invited to attend these presentations.
Island Sign:
The Garden Club owns the Samish Island sign at the Island entrance. Click here for its history.
- Please use tacks at all four corners of your handout to avoid littering neighbors’ yards.
- Islanders may post information relating to island activities, events, rentals.
- No commercial advertising. Please use the Samish Neighbors or Garden Club e-groups for personal or family sales items.
2024-2025 Officers
- President – Lulu Miller
- Vice President – Alberta Weinberg
- Treasurer – Linda Larson
- Secretary – Gail Hopley
- Past President – Sally Hulbush-Johnson