Samish River Bridge near WD Foods, Highway 11
Monday Jan 6. Water levels have begun to climb rapidly, from 7 to 11 feet in one day.
Tuesday Jan 7, the river height climbs from 11 to 13 feet.
Photo by Dick Nevitt
Bayview Edison Rosd, south of the T intersection
Wednesday, Jan 8. The Samish River reaches its peak height of 14 feet. The USGS has “not determined a flood stage for the Samish River”. This flooding is the first sign that the river was over its banks for the Samish flats. Photo by Jen Barker.
Samish Island Road, near first part of S curve off Samish Island
Thursday, Jan 9. Samish River height decreases from 12 to 10 feet, but flooding on the Samish flats is just beginning. Photo by Jen Barker.
Driving through Floodwaters
Thursday, Jan 9. Trucks with 4WD or a high wheel base aren’t afraid to negotiate the water. They can see the center line under water – in daylight. Photo by Eileen Andersen.
Samish Island Road, near the Island
Thursday, Jan 9 about 1:30 pm. The road is under 5-6 inches of water. Samish River height decreases to 11 feet, but flooding has just begun for Islanders. Photo by Eileen Andersen.
Flooded Fields
Thursday, Jan 9., 2:30 pm. The field west of Samish Island Rd is completely underwater. Photo by Eileen Andersen.
Samish Island Road Closed
Friday, Jan 10 around 7 am. “Road Closed” signs appear. The river height has decreased to 9.5 feet, but flooding increases on the flats. Photo by Eileen Andersen.
More “Road Closed” signs
Friday, Jan 10. A Skagit County vehicle puts up more “Road Closed” signs.
Meet and Greet
Friday, Jan 10. Islanders and pets survey the flood from the road. Photo by Eileen Andersen.
Car Ferry
Friday Jan 10. The Ratfields ferry an Islander’s car across the water so its driver could return to Gonzaga University. Photo by Julie Rousseau.
Alternate Transportation Means
A good way to get around these days. Photo by Julie Rousseau.
In the Rearview Mirror
Speed limit – so yesterday. Photo by Julie Rousseau.
Samish Island Road, Saturday, Mid-Afternoon
Saturday, Jan 11. Samish River height is now down to 9.5 feet, but flooding is at its height on the Samish flats. Photo by Therese Ogle.
Samish Island Road, Saturday Late Afternoon
Driving toward Samish Island. Photo by Dick Nevitt.
Stranded Voles
Saturday, Jan 11. Photo by Doug Hopley
From the Air
Sunday Jan 12. A pilot’s photo of Samish Island and the diked delta road to the Island. The river level has dropped to 9 feet, but the flooding is barely decreasing. Photo by Mike Schmidt.
Barn with Boat
Sunday Jan 12; roads have 2-4″ of water; driving is still not comfortalbe except for high wheel base vehicles and daring drivers. Monday-Tuesday Jan 13-14; roads become passable again, six days after the high river mark. Photo by Doug Hopley.